A few weeks back, the Sample Programs repo hit the 100 languages milestone. Now, let’s celebrate the latest milestone: 250 code snippets!
Table of Contents
New Years Release
When I launched this project back in March of 2018, I was doing all of the heavy lifting myself. Now, as we head into the new year, I’m getting help from a rather large community of contributors. As of today, I have 22 people in The Renegade Coder organization of which 6 are in my core team. In addition, the repo has 108 stars with 80 forks, a milestone I never expected to reach.
With all of this engagement, I’ve been able to put together over 2000 commits that have finally converted into 250 code snippets over 106 programming languages in just 9 months. Can you tell I love metrics?
As we head into 2019, I’m hoping to continue watching this project grow. If you’d like to be a part of this adventure, just dive right in! Don’t worry about making mistakes. I’ve made more than enough for the whole community.
250 Code Snippets
At this point, I’ll share the list of all of the programming languages and their individual snippet counts in the repo:
- Abap (1)
- Ada (1)
- Agda (1)
- ALGOL68 (1)
- AppleScript (1)
- Ballerina (1)
- Bash (6)
- Befunge (2)
- Brainfuck (3)
- C (11)
- C# (18)
- C* (1)
- C++ (4)
- Carp (1)
- Chapel (1)
- Clipper (1)
- Clojure (1)
- COBOL (1)
- CoffeeScript (1)
- Crystal (3)
- Dart (2)
- D (2)
- Dale (1)
- Dg (5)
- Dusk (1)
- Egison (1)
- Elena (1)
- Elixir (1)
- Elm (1)
- Emojicode (1)
- Erlang (1)
- Eve (1)
- F# (1)
- Factor (1)
- Falix (1)
- Fennel (1)
- Ferret (1)
- Fetlang (1)
- Forth (1)
- Frege (1)
- Gluon (1)
- Go (7)
- Goby (1)
- Golo (1)
- Google Apps Script (1)
- Gravity (1)
- Groovy (2)
- Hack (1)
- Haskell (19)
- Idris (1)
- JavaScript (5)
- Java (7)
- Julia (4)
- Koka (1)
- Kotlin (5)
- Kitten (1)
- Lily (1)
- Lisp (2)
- Little (1)
- Lolcode (1)
- Lua (3)
- MATLAB (1)
- MojiScript (1)
- MoonScript (1)
- Never (2)
- Nim (1)
- Objective-C (1)
- OCAML (1)
- Octave (1)
- Odin (1)
- Opa (1)
- Orc (1)
- Owl Lisp (1)
- Pascal (2)
- Perl (3)
- PHP (3)
- PicoLisp (2)
- Pony (1)
- PowerShell (3)
- PureScript (1)
- Pyret (1)
- Python (20)
- Quack (1)
- Racket (1)
- Red (1)
- Rexx (1)
- Ring (1)
- Ruby (7)
- Rust (6)
- R (1)
- Scala (2)
- Scheme (2)
- Shen (1)
- Smalltalk (1)
- Solidity (1)
- Swift (4)
- Tcl (1)
- Tex (2)
- TypeScript (5)
- Verilog (1)
- Vimscript (3)
- Visual Basic (2)
- Wren (1)
- Wu (1)
- Wyvern (1)
If your favorite language didn’t make the cut or is underepresented, why not head over to the Sample Programs repo and make a pull request. We’re always looking for help.
The Push for 500 Code Snippets
With 250 snippets out of the way, I’d like to see if we can collect 500 by the end of 2019. This shouldn’t be too much of a challenge as we hit 250 code snippets in just 9 months, but I expect collecting snippets to be more difficult as we go.
To put everything into perspective, we currently support 22 projects from Hello World to Bubble Sort. In addition, we support 106 languages. That means our repo could potentially support 2,332 code snippets before expanding into new languages or projects. With that much ground to cover, there’s more than enough work for everyone.
If you’re looking for a place to start, some of the more popular languages like Ruby, Rust, and JavaScript could use some support. Of course, we won’t deny help in any of the languages, so don’t hesitate to help out! We appreciate it.
More Milestones Ahead
In addition to 500 code snippets, we’re also looking to complete the following:
- 100 Articles
- 200 Languages
Currently, we’re still in the process of transitioning the old articles over. Since this is a long and painful process, I’d love some help. All we need is someone who is willing to split the remaining Hello World articles into language articles and project articles.
As for the 200 languages milestone, that’s going to require a bit more work. At this time, we’ve avoided assembly languages. If you’re an expert in that area, we could really use the support. Also, we’d love to include your favorite esoteric languages, so swing on by and add them to our list of issues.
If you’d like to help with any of these initiatives, let me know in the comments. I’m always happy to work with anyone who wants to learn.
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