When it comes to Input/Output, one of the most basic tasks is being able to open a file for reading or writing. That's the topic of the day!
Series: How to Python
How to Remove Duplicates From a List in Python: Sets, Dicts, and More
When it comes to lists, sometimes it's helpful to be able to remove duplicates. That's the target of this article!
How to Iterate Over Multiple Lists at the Same Time in Python: Zip() and More!
One common scenario when working with lists is the desire to loop over them in parallel. In this article, we cover a few ways to do just that.
How to Check If a Key Exists in a Dictionary in Python: in, get(), and More
One of my favorite Python data structures is the dictionary. Of course, I don't love getting an error when my key doesn't exist. Luckily, there's a way to check.
How to Loop Over a Dictionary in Python: Keys, Values, and More
Looping over data structures in Python is always an interesting challenge. That's why we're going to look at dictionaries today.
How to Split a String by Whitespace in Python: Brute Force and split()
There are a lot of ways to manipulate strings. For instance, we might be interested in splitting a string by a separator like whitespace.