Generally, people think of Python as a messy language because it lacks explicit typing and static type checking. But, that's not quite true in modern times. Surely, we can take advantage of type...
Series: The Python Concept Map
Chances are, if you're reading this article, you've written some Python code and you're wondering how to automate the testing process. Lucky for you, this article covers the concept of unit testing...
One of the core features of modern programming languages is functions, but did you know Python has them too? Let's take a look!
Python has a cool feature that allows you to overload the operators. Let's talk about what that means and how you might use it!
This week, we're hitting another beginner topic: the assignment operator. While the idea is simple, the concept is rich in related ideas like scope, iterable unpacking, and augmented assignment.
In the world of programming languages, expressions are an interesting concept that folks tend to implicitly understand but might not be able to define. As a result, I figured I'd take a crack at...