Sometimes you just have to clean your WordPress Database. After a year and a half, I figured it was probably time to clean mine.
Tag: Software Tools
A Fresh Website Design: Removed Author Bio and Updated Jetpack Settings
Every once in awhile, I like to try to create a fresh website design to keep things interesting. Recently, I did just that.
After running into a problem with one of my plugins, I was forced to tackle some long overdue website maintenance.
At some point, every WordPress blog has to go through a plugin purge. Mine just so happened to occur at 17 months.
Once again, we're graced by a community submission. Let's learn how to say Hello World in Opa with Nicovillanueva!
How to Make a Python Script Shortcut with Arguments: Batch, Bash, and More
Got a Python script that you wish you could just double-click to run, but it has special arguments? Maybe a shortcut with arguments is the solution.