Hey! Welcome to the second edition of the Reverse a String in Every Language series. In this article, we’re tackling Reverse a String in Java. Buckle up because this one is long!
Table of Contents
- Reverse a String in Java
- The General Solution
- The Incomplete Solution
- How to Run the Solution
- Sample Programs in Every Language
Reverse a String in Java
As usual, let’s dig right into the complete solution of Reverse a String in Java:
public class ReverseString { public static void main(String args[]) { if (args.length > 0) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(args[0]); String reversed = builder.reverse().toString(); System.out.println(reversed); } } }
If you previously read this article, you may remember the following snippet:
public class ReverseString { public static String reverse(String toReverse) { char[] characters = toReverse.toCharArray(); int start = 0; int end = characters.length - 1; char temp; while(end > start){ temp = characters[start]; characters[start] = characters[end]; characters[end] = temp; end--; start++; } return new String(characters); } public static void main(String args[]) { if (args.length > 0) { System.out.println(reverse(args[0])); } } }
As it turns out, the snippet above works but has a couple pitfalls. The major pitfall being that it doesn’t work for special character sets such as Chinese. However, I plan to keep it’s explanation for the sake of showing off the language.
At any rate, let’s dive in!
The General Solution
As we can see, the general solution leverages the StringBuilder library to reverse a String in Java. Originally, I was against this idea because it really hides some of the cool features of Java. However, this method is far superior to the one I shared before as it works for every string you throw at it.
Anyway, let’s dig into it.
The Class Declaration
Like any Java program, we’re stuck creating a class before we can do anything:
public class ReverseString { // Insert code here }
As an added restriction, we’re also stuck using the same name for the file: ReverseString.java.
The Main Method Declaration
Again, if we want a executable program in Java, we’ll need to create a main method:
public static void main(String args[]) { // Insert code here }
The main method structure is always the same.
First, we declare a public static method which basically means anyone with access to the class can run this method without creating an instance of the class. Of course, no one does this with main methods, but you get the idea.
Next, we declare a return type of void. In some languages, we might return an integer, but in Java we return nothing. That’s just the convention.
Finally, we use the main method name and declare a String array as the input. The input array will be how we access our command line arguments.
The Main Method Core
Up to this point, everything has been exactly the same in both solution. In other words, if you don’t like the way something is worded so far, check down below for another explanation.
Next, we’ll take a look at the inside of the main method:
if (args.length > 0) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(args[0]); String reversed = builder.reverse().toString(); System.out.println(reversed); }
All we’re really doing here is checking that we have command line arguments. If we do, we attempt to reverse them and print them to the user—that simple!
Of course, instead of reversing the string using the character array, we leverage the StringBuilder library which handles surrogates for us. In other words, we don’t have to worry about corrupting Strings.
However, that’s a rather high-level explanation. If we look closer, we create a StringBuilder using the first command line argument. Then, we call the reverse method of StringBuilder which reverses the String. At that point, we convert our StringBuilder back into a String and return it. Done!
The Incomplete Solution
If you previously read this article, you know that I implemented the string reversal by hand. In other words, I used a loop to swap characters in the character array. Unfortunately, that solution is incomplete, but I think it shows off a lot of cool features of Java. So, I’m keeping the code breakdown below.
The Class Declaration
As with any program in Java, our first step is to create a class:
public class ReverseString { // Insert code here }
In this case, I created a public class with the name ReverseString. Consequently, the file must also share that name.
The Main Method Declaration
Within the class, I’ve declared two methods. The first method I want to focus on is the main method toward the bottom. This method is where the program drops in when we run it:
public static void main(String args[]) { // Insert code here }
As we can see, the main method is declared as public and static which means anyone can access it without an instance of the ReverseString class. In addition, the main method has a return type of void. In other words, the method doesn’t return anything.
In terms of parameters, the main method in Java is required to accept an array of strings. This array contains each of the command line arguments. However, unlike Python, the first argument is not reserved for the file name. In fact, it’s possible that the array of arguments is empty.
The Main Method Code
Inside the main method is where the magic happens:
if (args.length > 0) { System.out.println(reverse(args[0])); }
Here, we can see an if statement and a print statement. According to the conditional logic, we only execute the print statement if the list of arguments is not empty. We do this by checking that the length of the list of arguments is greater than zero.
In the case where we have an argument, we run our print statement. At that point, we have to make a call to reverse, our reverse a string method. Notice that we pass the first argument always. All other arguments are ignored.
The Reverse Method Declaration
To get a better idea what the main method is doing, we need to dig into the reverse method declaration.
The reverse method is very similar to our main method in that it is also public and static. That means that we could call the reverse method without an instance of the ReverseString class:
ReverseString.reverse("Hello, World!") // returns "!dlroW ,olleH"
The advantage here is we’re able to call reverse directly in the main method.
Unlike the main method, the reverse method returns a String. That probably makes sense since we want the reverse method to give us a reversed String.
As a result, the reverse method also takes a String as input. In other words, the reverse method takes in a String and outputs the reverse of that String as seen in the snippet above.
The String to Character Array Transformation
Now, when I wrote this solution, I specifically avoided the StringBuilder library because it completely masks the String reversal:
new StringBuilder(toReverse).reverse().toString()
Notice how we could have easily just wrapped our string in a StringBuilder, called the reverse method, and converted it back to a String. Of course, I think that defeats the purpose of this series.
Instead, we start by converting our input String to a character array:
// i.e. ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!'] char[] characters = toReverse.toCharArray();
A character array is simply a set of characters which we can freely manipulate. Normally, we can’t manipulate characters in a String because Strings are immutable in Java. That means that any changes to a String results in the creation of a new String.
The Local Variables
Before we can actually start reversing this character array, we define and declare a few variables:
int start = 0; int end = characters.length - 1; char temp;
As we can probably imagine, start and end refer to the indices at the start and end of the character array. The temp variable will be used to track swaps. We’ll see that play out later.
The Loop Structure
Okay, so now we’re going to perform the String manipulation. To do so, we need to create a loop:
while(end > start) { // Insert code here }
Our loop condition is pretty simple. All we do is monitor the start and end variables. If at any point start crosses end, we break out of the loop. As we can probably imagine, we will be manipulating start and end inside the loop.
The Loop Internals
Inside the loop, we pretty much just swap the characters at the start and end indices and move those pointers inward by one:
temp = characters[start]; characters[start] = characters[end]; characters[end] = temp; end--; start++;
To do this, we leverage the temp variable to hold the start character. Then, we overwrite the start character with the end character. At that point, we overwrite the end character with the start character that we stored in temp.
When we’ve completed the character swap, we decrement the end pointer and increment the start pointer. This allows us to slowly reverse each pair of characters until we reach the middle of the String.
The Return Statement
Finally, we convert our character array to a String, and we return it:
return new String(characters);
At a high level, we take a string from the command line, reverse it, and output it to the user. That’s it!
How to Run the Solution
If we’re looking to run this program, perhaps the first thing we should do is download the solution from GitHub. Then, we’ll need to get the latest version of Java. At that point, all we have to do is run the following from the command line:
javac ReverseString.java java ReverseString "Hello, World!"
The first line compiles the code while the second line runs the binary. In this case, we’re trying to reverse “Hello, World!”
Alternatively, we can run the Reverse a String in Java solution using an online Java compiler. Just copy the solution into the developing pane, add a string to the command line arguments, and hit run.
Sample Programs in Every Language
Well, that’s it for Reverse a String in Java! If you liked this article, be sure to give it a share. Also, if you want to suggest a language for a future article, feel free to drop it below in the comments. Next time, we’ll be looking at Reverse a String in Dart.
Don’t forget, you can always contribute to this project through the GitHub repository!
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