The Skeptical Coder

The Skeptical Coder Featured Image

Once again, welcome back to another issue of updates from The Renegade Coder. This week I have a ton of new stuff to talk about. For instance, the theme received a major update which brought along a ton of benefits (and a couple issues as well). However, before I get started, I want to share a recent story from the Erie area that brought out my skeptical side.

Table of Contents

No Rest for the Werie

Welcome back to another rant about Erie! Unfortunately, the content here was a bit too personal for my own liking, so I moved it behind a paywall. If you’re interested in seeing that article, it’s called The Guide to Causing Mass Panic, and it’s about the irrational fears of human trafficking and other sensational topics in Erie, PA. Don’t share this one on Facebook!

Upgrade that Theme

I think I’ve really beat the hell out of that news story, so I’m going to move on to talk a bit about some changes to the site. First, let’s talk about the theme.

The OnePress themeOpens in a new tab. that I use just received a major update from its creators. In that update, there were several changes that I haven’t even explored yet. However, there was one change that has increased my productivity exponentially (at least I hope it was an update…).

I am now able to guarantee every single article on my website will have a featured image in the post. This was something that I started doing manually a few months ago, and now I can stop doing it for good. That said, there may be some posts with double featured images. I tried to go through everything, but I probably missed a couple.

On the flip side, I believe the update broke the series navigation feature which is a shame. I haven’t been able to get the links at the bottom of my Java posts to show up since the update. Hopefully, that gets resolved soon.

Python Bytes

If you’ve been keeping up, then you know that yesterday I posted my first Python article. I’ve found that the Java articles are long and tedious to write, and I was starting to get burnt out of coding in general. So, I had been writing personal blogs for awhile.

That was until the other day when I finally got excited about coding again. This gave me the idea to start writing short articles about small problems in code. In essence, these articles would mirror the types of responses you might see on Stack Overflow except with a bit more background.

Check it out, and let me know what you think!

Song of the Week

As for the song of the week, I gotta throw it back to my high school days: Forever featuring Drake, Kanye, Lil Wayne, and Eminem.

I haven’t really been listening to music lately, but I think I’m going to start kicking it back. Maybe next week I’ll start listening to A Day to Remember again.

Coming Soon to The Renegade Coder!

As usual, I don’t really have any plans, but I do plan on following up on this trafficking story next week. After all, I love being proved wrong. That’s what being skeptical is all about.

I tend to write whenever I have inspiration, but a large portion of my work never gets published. I find that a lot of my writing is in response to something I find frustrating, so I usually abandon it once I’m feeling better. Maybe I’ll start posting these works if there’s enough demand for it.

For now, expect more work toward the new Python Bytes series. Also, I plan on dedicating more time toward the store because I finally got my first customer! 🙂

The Legacy Newsletter (56 Articles)—Series Navigation

For a long time, I used to try to write a custom newsletter every week which eventually became every month. If you’re interested in browsing those old posts just to see how this site came to be, I’ve created a small series for you. Check it out!

Today, the regular newsletter is issued via email which you can access by becoming a member of The Renegade Coder. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the newsletterOpens in a new tab. directly through MailChimp.

Jeremy Grifski

Jeremy grew up in a small town where he enjoyed playing soccer and video games, practicing taekwondo, and trading Pokémon cards. Once out of the nest, he pursued a Bachelors in Computer Engineering with a minor in Game Design. After college, he spent about two years writing software for a major engineering company. Then, he earned a master's in Computer Science and Engineering. Most recently, he earned a PhD in Engineering Education and now works as a Lecturer. In his spare time, Jeremy enjoys spending time with his wife and kid, playing Overwatch 2, Lethal Company, and Baldur's Gate 3, reading manga, watching Penguins hockey, and traveling the world.

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