Sorry for the short update this week. I'm traveling around on grad school visits. Stay tuned next week for a more complete update.
Archives: Blog
How to Check if a File Exists in Python: Try/Except, Path, and IsFile
As a high-level language, Python can easily interact with the file system. In fact, if you want to check if a file exists, Python has you covered.
In the spirit of minimalism, I've had to learn the art of letting go. With the latest iteration of simplification, I can finally say I'm starting to feel a lot happier.
My minimalist lifestyle has made its way into the digital realm. Stop in to see how The Renegade Coder is mastering the art of simplification.
Today, I turned 24. In honor of this historic event, I've decided to share a list of 24 people who were/are wildly more successful than me by 24.
Steps Toward Minimalism: How I’m Downsizing and Simplifying My Life
Welcome to the 41st consecutive week of updates by yours truly. This week, I want to talk minimalism. After all, I've been removing a lot of physical things from my life. Now, let's talk digital...